Thermophilic ST-B01 10u


THERMOPHILIC Lactic Culture 10u. For many hard pressed cheeses where you heat the curds after formation. Similar to STB01 Culture.



Thermophilic Lactic Culture 10u

Description: Defined thermophilic culture containing strains selected for their moderate lactic acid production and low post acidification.

Contains: Streptococcus thermophilus

Application: The culture is primarily applied in the production of soft cheeses with low post acidification, e.g. stabilized cheeses and modern Camembert and Emmenthal types.

Packaging: Packaged with colour coded labelling for ease of use in your cheesemaking.
The culture can be applied alone (for stabilized soft cheese) or in combination with other lactic acid cultures, e.g. Lactobacillus helveticus (for Emmenthal).

Sufficient to cover approx. 100 litres of milk for hard cheese and 50 litres for soft cheese. Long shelf life.

Must be kept in the Freezer to maximise shelf life.


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