Dilute Rennet – 65IMCU/mL 120ml bottle


Apologies regarding the new price of this product.  The suppliers have reviewed the cost of producing rennet and to maintain the operation of the plant have needed to substantially increase the price they charge. The new price to us is now substantially more than the old retail price.  We therefore have had no choice but to charge more.  Its either this or the plant closes which would make rennet unavailable in NZ.

Waiting on new delivery due the end of this week. If you have any questions please contact us.

Renco Rennet is standard rennet that has been pre-diluted. Ideal for making smaller batches of cheeses to ensure even distribution of the rennet in the milk.  The recommended dose is 7ml per 10L milk.

Storage under refrigeration is recommended.

LImited to a maximum of 20 bottles per order.

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Renco Rennet is produced using the same process as the more concentrated Rennet but comes pre-diluted.

It is ideal for making smaller batches of cheeses to ensure even distribution of the rennet in the milk.  Much easier than diluting very small quantities of full strength rennet.  The recommended dose is 7ml per 10L milk.

Renco Rennet is exceptionally stable however storage under refrigeration is recommended.

LImited to a maximum order of 20 bottles.


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Dilute rennet

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